Merry Christmas... Happy New Year... The Best Present is Art

Romin Mohtasham


1956 born photographer studied chemical engineering at the university where his adventure in photography. His adventure started in 1974. He was spending his time admiringly in darkroom. He became a member of AFSAD, Ankara Amateur Union of Photography and Cinema in 1978.

In 1986, he played a major role in establishing MFD (Photography Club of Mersin, formerly IFAD), where he worked many years as a chairman and at different roles in managing committee.

The photographer is invited as jury member to the  photography competitions.

It was not easy for the artist to say farewell to his analogue camera and to give a start to digital photography, but it was inevitable.  Portrait photography is his main focus although he has a portfolio in nature photography. Being an engineer makes geometrical figures attractive to him.


From €275,00
From €275,00
From €600,00