Merry Christmas... Happy New Year... The Best Present is Art

Bekir Tugcu


1970 born photographer and neurosurgeon Tugcu started his journey in photography at IFSAK (Association of Amateurs of Photography and Cinema) in 1990. The documentary photography of the artist aims baring the connection among human, environment, and nature.  Tugcu wants to depict real story of life through his narrative style.

The photographer has participated several collective national and international exhibitions. Charcoal Workers, Mardin, Mannequins, Forever and his collective project with Tugba Kiralli “Tersane-i Amire” were exhibited several times and published in prestigious photography magazines.

His photography was rewarded in national and international competitions of FIAP (Fédération de Internationale deI’Art Photographique), PSA and UPI. FIAP entitled him to AFIAP in 2012.
The artist shares his knowledge in photography through lectures and workshops with young photographers and photography enthusiasts.


Regular price €1.500,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00
From €600,00